The following project is carried out on behalf of an external company that produces functional supplies for pregnant women, which will make it easier for them to move around and undertake light physical activity, and at the same time will be comfortable and aesthetic. During the research, the solutions available on the market and the proposed product of an external company were compared.
The products were verified by performing basic stability tests, i.e. Romberg’s, Mann’s, Unterberger’s tests, and classic gait analysis. The tests involved healthy, non-pregnant women wearing high-quality artificial pregnancy bellies. In the first stage, the previously mentioned movement patterns were examined when the women did not wear the belly, then with the belly only, and then with each subsequent pregnancy supply. In addition, an EMG test was performed, which allowed it to verify how the muscles work during everyday activities (ADLs) and how the subsequently proposed solutions relieve the most fatigue-prone parts of the body.
The project results include a detailed description of the determined stability parameters and an explanation and indication of the differences between the tested supplies. The whole was complemented by a commentary by a physiotherapist and a summary of the entire picture of the analysis.